Wednesday, October 19, 2011

8- run paralel code in cluster with using nohoup command:

To run a paralel code, we should use this command:

mpirun -np 96 ./a.out

(96 = number of processors)
If you want to use nohoup command to run this code you have to 
use following command to avoid unexpectable problems.

mpirun -np 96 ./a.out < /dev/null &

In this case, some additional and sucks lines will not appear in nouhup or 
output files.

For example, I am using a job script to run the code. One of the lines in my job 
script is :

mpirun -np $number  ~/bin/dmft.cluster  >> $out < /dev/null &

where dmft.cluster is executable file and output data will store in "out" file.

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