Monday, April 23, 2012

10. Bibliography in thesis with using latex

1. build .bib file. for example I built thesis.bib
2. Add your items in this file.
For article you can use this format:

    author    = "",
    title     = "",
    journal   = "",
    %volume   = "",
    %number   = "",
    %pages    = "",
    year      = "XXXX",
    %month    = "",
    %note     = "",

and for book:

    author    = "",
    title     = "",
    publisher = "",
    %volume   = "",
    %number   = "",
    %series   = "",
    %address  = "",
    %edition  = "",
    year      = "XXXX",
    %month    = "",
    %note     = "",

3. Write these commands before "\end{document}":

4. Type "bibtex thesis.bib" and press Enter.

5. Type again "bibtex thesis.bib" and press Enter.
6. Now Execute your thesis latex file to see the references in the .pdf file.

If you want to refer some part of the context to one of the references in the Bibliography, you should use "\cite{...}".
More infos can be found in this website.

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