Sunday, September 24, 2017

How to install LAPACK and BLAS library on Linux

To install LAPACK and BLAS library on Ubuntu, just type :

sudo apt-get install liblapack-dev

This automatically installs the LAPACK and BLAS library.
In my computer, this library was installed in this address:  /usr/lib/lapack/

In order to use the lapack library to compile and run the code, one needs
to use the following command:

ifort ProgranmName.f90 -L /usr/lib/lapack/ -llapack

Another useful command to check the existence of subroutines and functions
in the LAPACK and BLAS library, we can use

readelf -s /usr/lib/lapack/* | grep -i NameOfSubroutine

Useful links for more infos: Link1, Link2

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